Simon Scott

Simon Scott

PhD Student

2020 - current


Simon Scott is a sound ecologist and mastering engineer from Cambridge, UK. His albums 'Soundings', 'Apart' and ‘Below Sea Level’ are out now and are published by Touch. His work explores the creative process of actively listening, the implications of recording the natural world using technology and the manipulation of natural sounds used for musical composition that focus on environmental issues. He is a member of UK band Slowdive, and has collaborated with many artists, such as Chris Watson, Fennesz, Taylor Deupree, Isan, Lawrence English, Philip Jeck, and many more.

Profile image: Simon Scott

The Ecocritical Ear

His practice led research is field recording-based composition with an emphasis on an approach to listening that reflects the creative capacities of the listener, and a focus on climate change and habitat loss as narrative. His emerging theoretical framework addresses the critical aspects of the field of ecocriticism and examines ecocritical themes within the subject matter of works in this area, and identifies ecological principles within its form, operation, and within sound as a medium. The location of the Fens, as the central locale of this thesis, is also examined in relation to Anthropocentric events, and examines the perception of what is ‘nature’.