Victoria Karlsson

Victoria Karlsson

Completed PhD Student

2013 - 2022

Victoria Karlsson is a sound artist interested in the emotional and subjective aspects of sound and art. Investigating sound as both an inner and outer experience, she explores how we think about, remember, dream about sounds, and how this influences our experiences of sounds in our everyday.

As a sound designer on several live art events, she creates sound environments that evoke alternative words and explore our experience of different spaces. Working closely with the director, performers and set designers to ensure sound becomes an integral part of the performance environment.

Image by Victoria Karlsson


Inner Sound - investigates ideas of ‘inner’ sounds, sounds in our thoughts, sounds we ‘hear’ in our mind and how they affect our experience of physical ‘real’ sounds.


Victoria Karlsson currently undertaking a PhD Research Degree at University of the Arts, London. Her practice based research, with the working title of "Mapping experiences of inner sounds " investigates sounds in thoughts, asking if we hear sounds in our minds, what they mean to us and where they come from.

The research aims to create a body of work defining our understanding of “inner sounds” - sounds we ‘hear’ in both our conscious and unconscious mind, similar to, but different from an inner voice. While the term is positioned hypothetically at this stage, the aim of this project is to research experiences of inner sounds with a view to producing a working definition of its meaning. Through practice-based research, the project aims to investigate strategies of articulating and making inner sounds audible, and develop a language to externalise and map experiences of inner sounds. While inner experiences are often explored within artistic practice, this projects specific focus on experiences of inner sounds, where this sort of exploration has not been attempted before.

The research explores 'inner sounds' in various ways, through practical artistic work, surveys and questions, workshops, and writing. To help me with my research, please complete my survey.